Board Members

Chris Chambers

Board Vice President

Chris represents the local Fire Chiefs Association on the SOFRC board and, through them, communicates with both Josephine and Jackson counties. An Ashland native, Chris has worked at Ashland Fire and Rescue since 2002. An Oregon State University College of Forestry graduate, Chris worked for the US Forest Service and BLM for 5 years in silviculture, fire, botany, wildlife, and fisheries biology.

At Ashland Fire & Rescue, Chris coordinated National Fire Plan fire safety grants for 6 years and co-authored the 2004 Ashland Community Wildfire Protection Plan and 2005 Jackson County Integrated Fire Plan. He participated in the genesis and ongoing implementation of the Ashland Forest Resiliency Stewardship Project and led the formation of the Ashland Firewise and Fire Adapted Communities programs. He also coordinates the management of Ashland’s municipal forest lands. Chris works on a team of five western fire departments for the International Association of Fire Chiefs Fire Department Exchange program, or FDX, to help fire departments develop or further wildfire safety programs across the country.