Over 50% of Rogue Basin forests are too dense. Forest conditions threaten our communities, air, water and old-growth.

We have a plan.

Collaboration & Coordination

Science Delivery

Education & Workforce Development

Policy & Development


Abnormally destructive wildfires.


Harmful smoke impacts.


Disrupted lives and damaged habitat.

The intense wildfires experienced in Southern Oregon in recent years have galvanized the public and policymakers who want solutions. Climate change and outdated forest management practices make the urgency even greater.

The Southern Oregon Forest Restoration Collaborative is working to reverse poor forest conditions.

We’re an extensive network of conservation leaders, forestry experts, elected and government officials, community leaders and landowners who have come together around a comprehensive, science-based roadmap for healthier forests and communities.

Rogue Basin


Our work centers on the Rogue Basin Cohesive Forest Restoration Strategy, a 20-year plan to address wildfire issues across 1.1 million acres in Jackson, Josephine, and Curry counties. It’s a roadmap for strategic, landscape-scale forest thinning, fuels reduction, and controlled burning.

SOFRC is a centralized source of community information and practical assistance for rolling out the Strategy. Our role is supplying the latest scientific data, public engagement, cross-boundary learning opportunities, coordination and administrative support that forest restoration groups need to succeed.

Together, we’re charting a new course for our forests.

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Powering our partners

for healthier forests


Providing diverse wildlife habitat


Providing communities with places for recreation and well-being


Maintaining wood manufacturing infrastructure


Underpinning the carbon cycle


Delivering ecosystem services like clean air and water

The Rogue Basin Strategy lays out what’s needed to repair and protect these invaluable forest resources. There are no easy solutions, but we can make things better. We can reduce wildfire intensity, enable safe, effective fire suppression, and increase landscape resilience. And in doing so, we’re also creating and maintaining jobs in the forestry, wood manufacturing, and natural resources sector.

It takes many partners, with different areas of expertise, interest, and focus. These partners are at the heart of SOFRC’s mission.